[영숙어] 색깔에 관련된 영어 숙어, 영어 표현 모음
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모든 언어에서 공통으로 들어가있는 것이 특정 색깔에 얽힌 표현이라고 해요. 색깔에 빗대어 특정 상황이나 기분 등을 표현하는 것은 매우 직선적인 표현 방법이라 (색깔은 형태보다 눈에 더 금방 잘 띄기 마련이니까요) 그런 것이 아닌가, 추측해 봅니다.
'색깔'에 관련된 영어 숙어, 영어 표현 모음입니다.
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White elephant: a possession that is useless or troublesome, especially one that is expensive to maintain or difficult to dispose of. 돈만 많이 들고 더 이상 쓸모는 없는 것, 애물단지.
예시) The stadium is likely to become a white elephant after the championships are over.
White lie: a lie that is told in order to be polite or to stop someone from being upset by the truth. 악의 없는[선의의] 거짓말.
예시) While his little white lie allows him the chance for a secret outing, it comes with a heavy price.
White-collar: relating to people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort. 사무직의, 사무직 종사자.
예시) The company plans to cut 1,450 white-collar jobs as part of a restructuring.
To paint the town red: to go out and enjoy yourself by drinking alcohol, dancing, laughing with friends, etc. 여러 술집[클럽]을 돌아다니며 놀다, 야단법석을 떨다, 진탕 마시다.
예시) I'm ready to paint the town red with a few of my closest friends.
Red tape: official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results. (관공서의) 불필요한 요식.
예시) We must cut through the red tape.
Roll out the red carpet (for someone): to give a guest special treatment. 극진하게 환대하다.
예시) New York rolled out the red carpet for the astronauts.
Red herring: a fact, idea, or subject that takes people's attention away from the central point being considered. (중요한 것에서) 관심을 딴 데로 돌리는 것[사람을 헷갈리게 만드는 것].
예시) The police investigated many clues, but they were all red herrings.
Catch somebody red-handed: to discover someone while they are doing something bad or illegal. 현행범으로 잡다.
예시) He was caught red-handed taking money from the till.
In the pink of health: Healthy; in good condition. 건강한.
예시) It took a few weeks of bed rest, but I'm in the pink of health now.
Pink-collar: A pink-collar job is one that is traditionally done by a woman. 여성(이 맡아온) 직종, 여성이 다수인 직종.
예시) Until recently secretarial work and nursing were very much pink-collar professions.
Tickled pink: Very happy. 무척 기쁜. (=ticked to death)
예시) I was tickled pink to be invited.
Blue-collar: Blue-collar workers do work needing strength or physical skill rather than office work. 육체 노동자.
예시) All the regional funds had combined into a national health fund for blue-collar workers.Out of the blue
Once in a blue moon: not very often. 극히 드물게.
예시) My sister lives in Alaska, so I only see her once in a blue moon.
To have the blues: to feel sad. 우울해지다.
예시) I don't know what it is, but I find I always have the blues on Sundays.
Blue blood: the fact of someone having been born into a family that belongs to the highest social class. 귀족의 혈통, 귀족[명문] 출신의 사람
예시) That senator is a blue blood, so of course he doesn't understand the common man's concerns.
Purple in the face/ Purple with rage: Extremely angry. 노여움으로 얼굴이 시뻘개진.
예시)The captain became purple with rage when he saw the imcomplete work of the workers.
Born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth: to have a high social position and be rich from birth. 부잣집에서 태어나다.
예시) The students in this college are almost all born with silver spoons in their mouths. Source: theidioms.com
Golden opportunity: an excellent chance to do or get something. 황금기회.
예시) He says there's a golden opportunity for peace which must be seized.
Golden parachute: a large payment made to someone who has an important job with a company when that person is forced to leave their job. (직원이 회사를 떠나야 하게 될 경우 지급하기로 계약서에 명시하는) 고액의 퇴직금.
예시) Also, the company is prohibited from making golden parachute payments to a senior executive.
Green thumb: Natural talent for growing plants. 화초를 잘 기르는 재능.
예시) As a pharmacist, he was interested in plants and enjoyed horticulture, seeming to possess a green thumb, growing hemp and other plants.
Green with envy: wishing very much that you had what someone else has. 몹시 샘을 내는.
예시) When I heard about his new job I was green with envy.
Green-light: to give permission for something to happen. (업무 등을 진행하도록) 승인하다.
예시) If we can't do this movie for $5 million, the studio is not going to green-light it.
Grey area: a situation that is not clear or where the rules are not known. 애매한[어중간한] 영역.
예시) The difference between gross negligence and recklessness is a legal grey area.
Black sheep: a person who has done something bad that brings embarrassment or shame to his or her family. (집안·조직의) 골칫덩어리, 말썽꾼
예시) She had different interests, and we stupidly thought of her as a black sheep.
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[영어/영어표현/영숙어/영단어] 꼭 짚고 넘어가기! 가장 흔하게 쓰이는 기본 English Idioms
한국어 포함, 어느 언어던간에 가장 흔하게 쓰이는 표현(영숙어, idioms)들이 있다. 그래서 그 표현들 만큼은 반드시 알고 넘어가야 독해, 이해, 스피킹, 리스닝 등의 모든 언어 능력치의 영역에서
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[영단어] 올해가 다 가기 전에 알고 가자. 옥스포드가 선정한 2020년에 알아야 하는 5가지 영어 단
언어는 변한다. 우리가 살고 있는 세상이 변하기 때문이다. 올 해 많이 쓰인 단어는 작년에 많이 쓰인 단어와 다를 수 밖에 없는 이유다. 올 해, 세계적으로 가장 많이 쓰인 단어를 꼽는다면 당연