[영단어] 'Run' 이외에 쓸 수 있는 '뛰다'를 의미하는 다른 영어 단어들은?
DASH: move quickly and suddenly, rush. 황급히(맹렬히) 달려가다, 돌진하다, 질주하다.
I must dash or I'll miss the train.
DART: move quickly and suddenly in the specified direction. 쏜살같이(휙) 달리다, 움직이다.
She darted away when I came in.
SCAMPER: run quickly and playfully. 날쌔게 움직이다.
The children were scampering up the steps.
SPRINT: run very quickly for a short distance. (짧은 거리를) 전력 질주하다.
The kids sprinted down the stairs.
JOG: run slowly and steadily, as a way of exercising. 조깅하다, 천천히 뛰다.
She goes jogging every morning.
SCUTTLE: move quickly with short steps, because you are afraid or do not want to be noticed. (무섭거나 들키기 싫어) 종종걸음으로 빠르게 움직이다.
The mouse scuttled off when we entered the room.
SCURRY: move quickly with short steps, because you are in a hurry. 종종걸음을 치다, 총총(허둥지둥) 가다
He was late so he had to scurry off to work.
HARE: run or go very quickly, usually in an uncontrolled way. 재빨리 뛰어가다.주로 off와 같이 쓰임.
she's always haring off to attend to some emergency
BOLT: move very fast, especially as a result of being frightened. (무서워서) 급작스럽게 떠나다, 급하게 도망치다.
Frightened by the car horn, the horse bolted.
HURTLE: move rapidly or forcefully 돌진하다.
We kept to the side of the road as cars and trucks hurtled past us.
SHOOT: move in a particular direction very quickly and directly 특정한 방향으로 튀어나가다.
She shot past me several meters before the finishing line.
STREAK: move somewhere extremely quickly, usually in a straight line. (주로 직선으로) 전속력으로 가다.
Did you see that bird streak past the window?